Personalized Christmas Stockings

If y’all are like me, you like to change out your Christmas theme each year. It CAN get expensive, but I like to be as frugal as possible. If y’all follow Life On The Compound, then you know I LOVE to shop at the Dollar General. Well, you can’t ALWAYS find what you need from there, but that’s okay because there is always Hobby Lobby and of course Walmart.

I decided I would go for a winter, woodsy, neutral theme using this color scheme.

Once I decided on my theme, I knew I would need some kind of neutral stockings for Skylyn and Julius. I also knew I wouldn’t find what I was looking for at the DG. So, I went to Walmart and found these. 

Perfect right??? I’m not exactly sure how much I paid for them, but I do know they weren’t more than $10 each. 

So here’s the thing, I found the stockings that I wanted, but they were a little too plain and needed to be personalized. I mean they needed to know which stocking was theirs, right? 

Well right beside the stockings were these really cute letters! They were only $2.00 each, so of course I bought them because I knew they would be perfect on the stockings. 

I had an idea. So when I got home, I grabbed the stockings, the letters, some jute, some bells, and some scissors. 

I took the letters and tied them to the stockings like this. 

Then, I tied 3 bells to a string of jute and tied them to the stockings too. 

I really thought I took a better picture of these cute stockings, but once again I have failed on my pictures. Y’all know I have a hard time keeping up with my steps! That’s okay though, because it’s super easy, pretty cheap, really cute, and now my children knew whose stockings were whose. 

So if your looking for a quick, easy way to personalize a stocking, I’ve got you covered!