Easter 2020

2020….the year of the pandemic. In all of my 41 years I had never missed going to church on Easter Sunday. I remember being a little girl and getting all dressed up in pastel dresses, white patent leather shoes, and straw hats. I have always loved Easter Sunday and always looked forward to getting dressed up and heading to church with the whole family. 

Last year was a bit different. It still saddens me that our Churches were closed, but it didn’t stop The Compound from celebrating our Risen Savior!

Sometimes you just have to improvise and that’s exactly what we did! 

Yes, things were different. No, we weren’t able to get dressed up and go to church as a family, BUT, we were still able to worship and we were still able to do it together! 

My MIL and I decided we would cook a big brunch. So she and my FIL spent the morning cooking all the bacon, sausage, eggs, biscuits, hash brown casserole, and fruit and I made waffles and cream cheese danishes. We had SO MUCH FOOD and we ATE SO MUCH, that we were all ready for a nap before the service started ha! 

We were able to watch church right there in the comfort of our living room. Some of us were showered and dressed and some of us had just rolled out of bed (the teenagers of course). We ate together, we spent time together, we worshipped together, we sang together, and we prayed together. Right here on the compound! 

Maybe it wasn’t our tradition, but it was definitely one special Easter! Sometimes, we don’t like our routine messed up. Sometimes, we don’t like to break tradition. SOMETIMES, we miss out on something special if we DON’T change our routine and if we DON’T make new traditions. Last year was one of those times. I’m so thankful for my in law family, for all our memories, and for our Life On The Compound.